"You can have what you desire, because you already have it; just accept it" Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Every Destiny Move is important and valuable but I must say that Move Four could stand on its own and if you do only one Destiny Move, this would be it. Chapters, complete books and seminars have been devoted to it and of course, I deliver it with my own “sauce” so to speak; with my own take on it based on my past experience, knowledge and results.

You can have what you desire; but you need to know what it is that you desire. You have within you a power which will give you whatever you desire but need must be in earnest about what it is you desire.

You cannot simply “wish” for things or say things; you must desire them with earnestness and write them down! Then focus on them with this plan. In short, here are the three main points of the plan followed by specific details.

Write down your desires in order of importance or order you would like to see them become reality.
Read your list three times, morning, noon and night; thinking of them as often as you can.
Do not share your list with anyone.

Let’s get started.

For this exercise you’ll need your yellow pad and a 3 x 5 card.

Before going into your meditation, write on your yellow pad a list of ten things you desire. Take some time with this. Have fun. Go on a mental shopping spree. Let you mind free and think if you had all the money required to be able to do anything, if you had the power to cure, if there was absolutely nothing which could stop you, and if absolutely everything and anything was possible, what would you desire?

Write it down. Do not stop until you have ten things written; this is important. Don’t be concerned about timelines or deadlines; just write down things and events you desire to manifest in your world.
I’ll share a few to give you an idea and use the examples to present how you’ll use them to do the affirmation step with the 3 x 5 card.

I desire a trip to Europe.
I wish to develop my creative gifts and talents like singing, painting and inventing.
I desire to have a better personality and be more attractive and magnetic.

(Caution: do not use the words want, or need. Always use the words desire and wish. You do not have wants and you do not have needs. See my materials on Success Semantics™).

Now when you are in your meditative state, first ask for these ten things you’ve written and then see them coming to you and see yourself doing and living them. In these examples, see a ticket handed to you for your Europe trip, see yourself boarding the plane (experience this using all of your six* senses) and see yourself enjoying a meal and sightseeing somewhere in Europe.

See yourself taking singing lessons, singing karaoke or performing at your favorite coffee house. See people approaching you and telling you how special you are and how special they feel when they are around you. See yourself as being attractive; wearing attractive clothes, wearing an attractive face and living in and visiting attractive places. Imagine yourself as a magnet and feel like you are pulling things, people and events (pulling easily) to you as if you were a wonderful magnet!

Now when you open your eyes, there is one more step to do before you start your day.

Write all ten on a 3 x 5 card; however do so in the form of affirmations. Write your list of ten as if you are already experiencing them.
I might borrow a phrase I’ve learned from one of my mentors, Bob Proctor who uses his for manifesting money, and you can use it for any desire. “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continual basis”. (If money is something you are seeking now you may consider listening to Bob’s affirmation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkFtcQUHO9w).
Affirmations should be in the present as if they are already in the present and “in hand” as already having been manifested. You may use Bob’s phrase and finish it with your desire. “I am so happy and grateful now that … I am in Europe with my friends dining and seeing the sites”.
On your 3 x 5 card write
I am enjoying eating at an expensive restaurant in Europe.
I am singing at my favorite coffee house and people are applauding me.
People walk up to me and thank me for being such a wonderful friend.

I’ve shared just three examples of what would be on your yellow pad which you bring to your meditation and then how you would write them as an affirmation on your 3 x 5 card. Read your card morning, noon and night; and as much as possible keep them on your mind.

Do not share these desires with anyone. These are not like “goals” where you’ll want an accountability partner to keep you on track. These are desires you’ve sent out to the Universe. This is a partnership between you and it.

You should rearrange things as they happen or become reality. Add and subtract the desires on your list; rewrite it daily or weekly until you “get it right”; but this is a work in progress. You can change the order so they are in priority of importance to you. This list is a “living thing” as things will make the list, become reality or you’ll replace it with something else.

Don’t be concerned about how these things will come about. As you become aware of things appearing you may reach out and accept them in ways and accept them as they do become reality.
Be specific about the details of the things you place on your list. The type, model, color of car you desire. Be specific about your home’s location, size, rooms and more. Be specific in your timeline but know that the timing isn’t up to you totally but trust that it will be perfect.

Your first list should be things that you are familiar with. In the movie The Secret they used a cup of coffee as an example. Place things on your list like dining with friends, and an amount of money you are “familiar”. As your faith increases, increase your size of your desire. I like to use small, medium and really large sized desires. Size doesn’t mean anything to the Universe but it does to you and me. As we realize things on our list our faith increases so we’ll place larger things on our list.

I also like to place desires which include others on my list so it isn’t “all about me”.

As things are removed from your list as they are manifested, be sure to say “thanks” and be grateful.

Be sure to seek things which are positive for self and others. In planning your desires be sure to always seek good for all.

Dear Reader,
It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.
I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read. I believe you will realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me about those miracles in the comment area below.

Also, consider registering for my coaching sessions. Request details using the contact form on this page. 

#lifegoals (your new secret weapon is inside)

If you would love to learn the blueprint to gain NEXT LEVEL success and make an impact on people’s lives by sharing your knowledge (experience, skill, hobby or passion) and learn from the two absolute best in the world at it, then click below right now and reserve your spot. Thank me later ;-)

Listen, we all have a desire to do something more memorable with our lives, to impact others and to leave a legacy. But we also need and want to reach our NEXT LEVEL of success. True?

What if you didn't have to choose between the two. What if you could do both? Yes I said both, impact and success...

If this sparked your interest like it did mine, then right now click the link below and register for the live training with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi on this exact topic:

Magnetize to Attract (Anything you want in life; really, and you can start today).

The following is a chapter from one of my latest writings. If you would like to be among the first to know when it is published and be part of the first PR launch and get the book for a fraction of the published price or even free, be sure that you request a notification using the Contact Form somewhere on this page. Also, if you have been helped by this information, please consider using the social media buttons to share it with others. Thanks. 

Each day while you are in your time of meditation you are becoming more and more a magnet for success; which is your definition of success. You are becoming more “attractive” in all areas of the Major 8™ and realizing success, abundance and balance. In Move Three we will become more clear and intentional in becoming more “magnetic”.

If you are not yet familiar with my Major 8™, briefly they are Perfect Health, Enjoyment of Food, Restful Sleep, Money, Life & Legacy, Sexual Gratification, Well-being of Family and Friends, and the Feeling of Importance and Respect. In this Destiny Move we will magnetize your brain centers with “all the facets of success in the four areas of Mental, Physical, Material and Spiritual.

Magnetize to Visualize. Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

To prepare for your meditation using your (yellow) pad, write (using your blue inked pen) these four areas Mental, Physical, Material and Spiritual.
Find pictures on the Internet which show depictions of each of the Major 8™ (read below for the list and each area) and print those pictures to look at with your physical eyes or with your eyes closed when you get to that part of the meditation.

Use the relaxation and breathing technique described in Move One to become ready for this exercise.

Also, be sure to go into this exercise with “happy thoughts, and good feeling”. Leave any negative thoughts out. Be especially diligent in pushing any negativity down into that calm, still water so no ripples occur.

When you are “in” your meditation, with your eyes closed, imagine in your (closed) mind’s eye “electric” or “lightning” type of energy coming from above and running through your mind, then your entire body and your soul and circling around your mind, body and soul, circling around your feet going upward then around your waist, your shoulders and hear and then dissipating into the ether above you. Now say “Thank you”. You have magnetized your thought currents with whatever charge is in your mind.

(This is why it is important to arrive at this point with wonderful, expectant thoughts of good. You may also widen the circling of energy to encompass your home, other people, your community and the entire world in future meditations when desired).

Now, dwell on success in the area of Mental and write down what comes to you.

Think on success in the area of your Physical, and write down what comes to you.  

And do the same with Material

and Spiritual.

Now, visualize yourself acting in every area of the Major 8™

M8/1 I see myself and my body healthy and strong. (You can choose to be specific in areas where you desire healing).

M8/2 I see myself having enjoyment of food. (You can choose to be specific in areas where you see yourself dining with family or friends or shopping).

M8/3 I see myself sleeping restfully. (You can choose to be specific in areas as to where you desire to sleep and open your eyes and see yourself in a fancy hotel in an exotic location).

M8/4 I see myself making money, and living the lifestyle that I want. (You can choose to be specific in the amount of money you require and specific as to what it is that you require in a vehicle, the house to live in and the clothes you wear).

M8/5 I see myself actually living each day in the way I desire to live and to leave a legacy of not only money but memories. (You can choose to be specific in area).

M8/6 I see the results of my sexual gratification; enjoying the physical act but also having a family and being a part of God’s family. (You can choose to be specific in area).

M8/7 I see a circle of protection around my family and friends. (You can choose to be specific in area).

M8/8 I see myself with the feeling of importance and respect. (You can choose to be specific in area).

Close this session by saying “Thank you. I now magnetize all that I’ve “seen” and all that I’ve “blessed” and all that I’ve “asked” to come to me now from unexpected sources.”  

Open your eyes and now go through this day in expectancy.

Write in your journal your thoughts and write in your Destiny Moves Ledger anything which comes your way as a blessing and in money or its equivalents so you will know indeed that Destiny Moves really works and it is working for you.

In doing this Destiny Move you may choose to do only one or several of the Major 8™ working on just those which you want to concentrate your magnetic efforts.

Dear Reader,

It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.

I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read. I believe you will realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me about those miracles in the comment area below.

Also, consider registering for my coaching sessions. Request details using the contact form on this page.