The third step in 7 Days to Wealth is…
VISIT HERE FOR STEP 2 DAY 2; to do these steps in order. (To start the 7-day journey, VISIT HERE).
Establish the exact date which you desire this exact
amount to be realized.
amount to be realized.
Please read that sentence again as there are power words within it.
The word “establish” is a verb; and “action word” meaning to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis. Wow, that is exactly what you are doing; you are building a “foundation” which you’ll continue to build your method of continually acquiring wealth from this point on, over and over, but more on that later. So your third step is to establish the date, in a strong and real way; as in “it will happen”! (When I write things on my calendar, I do so with the intent that as the day will occur, so will the desire, task or goal).
The other word from that sentence which has high importance is “exact”.
I know that this is hard for some readers to wrap their mind around, and I’ll confess that sometimes it is for me as well. There may be many reasons for this. One, we feel that with the Law of Attraction we might think that we simply believe things into existence. And, of course, believing is only one ingredient. Another reason not to be “exact” is that this gives us a “way out” when things don’t happen the way we want (or say that we want). This step may even be harder than it was to come up with the amount of money you wanted in step one. I think this is because, in our thinking, we don’t believe that we can be “exact”.
My advice here is just to do it and trust.
If you have to, "ask small” until you believe and see that what I’m saying is completely true. Build your faith, build your “believing muscle” but do believe and do be “exact” by writing something down and let’s move forward!
I now grant you the power and the permission, right now, to be “exact”. Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™
As you progress through this 7 step process, you will realize that you’ll also gain more than just “wealth”, over time. You’ll also “grow into” the person who is “worthy” of the wealth you attain. This is one of those ways.
By being “exact” in this third step in the process, you’ll become more “exact” in your thinking, in your commitments to yourself and others. You will be exact in your checking accounts, and your “accounts” with others. You no longer have to use ESP when balancing your checkbook.
I once heard a story of a husband asking his wife writing “ESP” in the check ledger. She stated, “Oh that simply means ‘Error Some Place’ ”. Well, now you can get rid of those “errors” and be more exact in everything in your life. (This is a wonderful benefit and serendipity you receive in making the effort in doing this process of 7 Days to Wealth. Enjoy this “bonus” and lets’ move forward. We’ll make more).
When you are exact with the date of which you are asking this amount to be realized, don’t think so hard. Just know that you can choose any date you want and then let the Universe make it happen.
Because this system is called, 7 Days to Wealth, you may have already set your seven days from when you started; great! For others, this may be 7 Days to (understanding or starting toward) wealth. It’s all good. Again, keep this easy and fun. You will realize, and become more aware, of seeds coming to harvest within you 7 days; and continually. I’ll talk more about this later after you’ve completed your seven days and have seen results of your doing these steps.
Here is one more thought which I want to leave you about being exact.
One of my mentors, Jack Canfield (I am a certified trainer with his “Success Principles”) takes this even further. He states that we should also choose an exact time of the day of this date we’ve chosen. Plus, he shares how we should use an affirmation along with this step.
For example, here is one example from his book, The Success Principles.
“I will weigh 135 pounds by 5 PM on June 30th” Now, that’s exact!
Before moving on to your next task or starting your day, write down the “exact” date you want to realize the amount of money you stated in step one. Please, stop reading and write it down, now. This is your assignment with this step. You will not see results unless you follow the steps. The steps are "simple" but you must do them to see the results. You can read about riding a bicycle but you'll never learn to ride until you get on it, fall a few times, and get up more times than you fall.
If you started anywhere after step one, you may want to revisit it here. Feel free to set a time on the date you wish to realize that amount of money, as encouraged by Jack.
In having completed these three steps for these three days, you should now have the exact amount of money you desire, exactly what you’ll do to attain it, and the exact date (and time) you’ll acquire it. You are setting up the “exact” path for the Universe to answer your request. The Universe is very structured and organized. But again, have fun with this. You don’t have to overly concern yourself with structure and organization; you’ll get better over time. Just place your request out there, as “exactly” as you can and trust that is will come to realization; because it most certainly will.
Just do the steps and then “don’t pay it no mind”.
Be easy with it.
Let it happen.
NOTE: You may acquire your desired amount or outcome at any of these seven steps; yes, even before all steps are completed. Complete the steps anyway. It is all about building that “foundation” I mentioned earlier. Later I’ll share how you’ll continue using these steps for the remainder of your life to attain not just “wealth”, but abundance and real wealth for yourself, and others!
Ter’s Reminder:
Live with less stress;
not with less.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach
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